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1.6.2 - 1st version to be in the Ubuntu repository

Author ppmt, Tuesday 02 September 2008 à 17:08
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Note: this article is a translation. You can find its original version written by Fabounet here

With this new version we are now in the official repositorie of one of the biggest distros : Ubuntu !

After Suse and soon Fedora and Debian, the dock is becomign easier and easier to install which in turnr should help to make it popular.

On the applets side, Slider and Stack have been added to the plig-ins package, which means that there is a total number of plugins of ... well a lot

On the dock itslef a big evolution occured on the interface between the dock and the applets, which means that it is now possible to have several instances of certain applets. You can several clock with different time zone, you can monitor the flow of several interfaces, you have several stacks or several weblets. But most important you can have a Tux and a Wanda roaming your dock at the same time

Anoter evolution which should be transparent to the user to start with is about the themes : as of now the project has its own themes'server that can be downloaded when they are needed (as if they were on your hard disk)

Like that the collection of themes for Cairo-Dock can only increase (thanks to your future contributions )

The SVN has reached the revision 999...let's sum it up

Author ppmt, Monday 26 May 2008 à 02:17
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Note: this article is a translation. You can find its original version written by ChAnGFu here

Today (ed: well really a couple of weeks ago now!) we (finally) reached the revision 999 of the SVN version. It is time to keep you updated on the evolution of the dock.

Since my last article an new applet and a new rendering view have appeared as well as many more functionalities:
          • The Diapositive view: this view allows you display a big number of icones in a small place (another created under pressure from Nochka85 !) (written by paradoxxx.zero)
          • The 3D view now has a physical separator. ( Fabounet)
          • The Slider applet: A desklet to display pictures as a diaporama. (written by ChAnGFu)
          • The dock can now auto-hide when you maximise an application (this was highly requested). (Fabounet)
          • Indicators can now be in front of the icons. (Fabounet)
          • The arrival of a new theme: Néon (written by paradoxxx.zero)
          • Desklets can now have a background and an overlay (like pieces of tapes, a picture to simulate a reflection, etc... (Fabounet)
          • The soon to be integration of Wanda the fish in the Cairo-Penguin applet (Benoit2600)
          • And the correction of many little bugs.

The dock is now also integrated in the repository of 2 well known ditros: Fedora and PCLinuxOS

Note: We are still looking for some KDE developers to help coding the integration of the dock inside it.

More details on some of the news:

Diapositive view:
It is a very easy view to use with Stacks and other monitored directories. Here are 2 screenshots:
http://pix.nofrag.com/e/5/1/456b4e0d481359a3404e6076b5a36.png http://pix.nofrag.com/c/6/3/a1f7cfc23af96f0735f42fd598d8d.png

The physical separator in the 3D view:

The Slider applet:
As its name implies this applet is used to create diaporamas of you pictures. Select a directories and one of the 7 effects and you are good to go!

Her you can also see the background and the reflection on the desklets.

More details
Now the dock can auto-hide when you maximise an application. This highly demanded options is now available on the svn version and will soon be in the repositories.
paradoxx-zero is sharing with us his new theme Neon. It will also be available in the next version of the dock.
The clock also got a new theme called "BlueSlim" which I had promised for som time now. I just forgot to integrate it! (ed ChanGFu not me!).
The desklets were not spared either during the development cycle. It is now possible to lock them on the desktop so that you will not move them accidentally.

Here it is for the latest news, hoping I didn't forget anything. A big thank you to Benoit2600 for its graphics contribution and Wanda!

Warm up your compiler!

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Dock based on CSS Dock Menu (Ndesign) with jQuery. Icons by zgegball
Cairo-Dock is a free software under GNU-GPL3 licence. First stable version created by Fabounet.
Many thanks to TuxFamily for the web Hosting and Mav for the domain name.