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Cairo-Dock 2.1.0 : faster, easier, better

Author matttbe, Saturday 10 October 2009 à 01:12
Comments 5

While 2.0 was introducing OpenGL, version 2.1 is getting more robust.
Here is the result of 4 months of hard labour :

Some "annoying bugs" from the Taskbar, PowerManager, Clipper and the keyboard indicator have been squashed.
The dock at the same became more stable and faster especially when OpenGL is activated (the applet Clock or Cairo-Penguin are now virtually using no CPU resources).
A news that should please many is that OpenGL now works with the very latest OpenSource drivers for ATI and Intel video card !

The dock is evolving thanks to you all ! Lots of comments made after the launch of 2.0 where noted and acted on.
The configuration panel has been polished (the presentation as improved and the options are better grouped, etc)
The pictures ratio is now correct (windows thumbnail and Switcher, etc)
It is easier to create a new main dock or to move the icons from one dock to another.
A new mode "extended dock" has appeared (the dock will fill up the all side of the screen).

Themes have also been reviewed and now have an user friendly interface : you can sort the theme by name, rating or simplicity. You can even rate them yourself once you have downloaded them !
Thanks to all of the contributors !
A complete tutorial is available here.

Applets have also gained in the process :

Shortcuts and Notes now have a improved desklet mode, which will allow you to display on your Desktop the icons normally drawn by Nautilus as well you "post-it".
The digital clock has a better rendering.
The applets 'Rhythmbox' and 'XMMS' merged to form a new applet MusicPlayer, It now allows to control just about any player.
'Cpusage', 'Ram-meter' and 'Nvidia' also merge into the System-Monitor applet, which offers basic system information (CPU, RAM, Nvidia card temperature, etc)

On the very new side we are introducing Dnd2Share, an file sharing applet. It will allow you to send your files on a server of your choice by simply dragging and dropping them on the applet ! you will not be able to live without it.

You will also notice that open effect of the Slide view is looking a bit more like its Mac OSX equivalent.

On the project side itself, we migrated to LaunchPad !
This means that:
  • there is a 'weekly-build' Ubuntu users.
  • a manual 'daily-compiled' (Mav' script has been updated)
  • Easier tools for the translators (it's here)
  • The possibility for everyone to contribute to the project thanks to bazaar.
  • A complete documentation of Cairo-Dock's API available at this address : http://doc.glx-dock.org.

As usual your comments/remarks are most welcome.
Enjoy this new version of Cairo-Dock !

The Cairo-Dock team.

Translated by ppmt

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Powered by ElementSpeak © 2007 Adrien Pilleboue, 2009-2013 Matthieu Baerts.
Dock based on CSS Dock Menu (Ndesign) with jQuery. Icons by zgegball
Cairo-Dock is a free software under GNU-GPL3 licence. First stable version created by Fabounet.
Many thanks to TuxFamily for the web Hosting and Mav for the domain name.