The latest stable release is the *3.4.0* : How to install it here.
Note: We just switched from BZR to Git on Github! (only to host the code and your future pull requests)
Note: this article is a translation. You can find its original version written by Fabounethere
On one side it is too bad, as this was the version I wanted to see first in Ubuntu. This is definitely the most polished version so far.
On the other side let's be happy that it is not included when you see what it takes to be in! This version is the perfect excuse to erase the Ubuntu version from the memory
So once more only good stuff in sight!
Better late than never, Cairo-Dock from now on follows the Freedesktop standards (binaries are in /usr/lib, datas are in /usr/share and now the config in ~/.config/cairo-dock)
The icons also have now their onw directories, ~/.config/cairo-dock/current_theme/icons, to allow for complete interchangeable themes.
The gnome-panel can now be binned thanks to the applet GMenu. This was the last barrier : Access to the Main menu.
Another useful applet just appeared: Clipper (well known from all KDE users who won't be lost as the options are the same )
The Cairo_Desklets just received a face lift with new decorations themes for all of them, the possibility to rotate them, a wobbly effect when you move them with the mouse. It is possible to rapidly send the desklet from the desktop to dock in one click and the other way is as fast just drag and drop them on the desktop The launcheurs also can be ejected from the dock wiht drag and drop (but for them no desklet mode, the disappear in an explosion!)
The gauge applets also have received an improvement: it is now possible to display their values on a graph (several forms are even available)
And finally the cherry on the cake: Moving the icons with the mouse inside the dock is now extremely fluid.
If it wasn't for the Branch2, I would nearly have had time to get bored