Ubuntu 9.04 with Mac OS X leopard theme - showing Cairo dock
matttbe, Tuesday 11 May 2010 à 00:26
Tags : photography, digital photography, cameraphones, camera, hobby photography, photo, digital camera, compactflash, smartmedia, cameras, canon, nikon, olympus, fujifilm, video
Really please with this!! Fun more the useful... AMD64 led to a few issues (haven't got global_menu working yet) but here's the link if you're interested... maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-hardy-to-mac-osx-leop...
Ubuntu, Cairo Dock
matttbe, Tuesday 11 May 2010 à 00:17
Tags : photography, digital photography, cameraphones, camera, hobby photography, photo, digital camera, compactflash, smartmedia, cameras, canon, nikon, olympus, fujifilm, video
Ubuntu, Cairo Dock