Cairo-Dock' Screenshots |
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Loopshape Custom Theme (based on Vertex-Dark Theme by Horst3180)
My desktop with Cairo-Dock and my MacOSX Mountain Lion / Mavericks Theme
Transparent tray OSX-like dock in Cairo-dock DE with Moka icons and Radiance GTK theme (Ubuntu 14.04)
Screenshot from 2014-04-29 13:21:06
Screenshot from 2014-04-07 13:24:46
Screenshot from 2013-09-17 14:52:24
Screenshot from 2013-09-09 23:25:37
Screenshot from 2012-12-09 18:39:18
Screenshot from 2012-05-28 16:53:58
CD 3.0 Unity-Like 3 theme
Version 3.0.0 with 4 actions on one screenshot
Cairo-Dock 3.0.0 on a Cairo-Dock session
trashfull and volume muted
171529_195006780526410_100000512684141_697084_6027745_o (1)
Cairo Dock, Reflections, Transparency, Minimalism
Linux Means Freedom
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matttbe, Wednesday 26 May 2010 à 23:41
Tags :
If you don't have button's icons, this is the 'magic' command : $ gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons true && gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/interface/buttons_have_icons true
Ubuntu 9.04 with Mac OS X leopard theme - showing Cairo dock
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matttbe, Tuesday 11 May 2010 à 00:26
Tags : photography, digital photography, cameraphones, camera, hobby photography, photo, digital camera, compactflash, smartmedia, cameras, canon, nikon, olympus, fujifilm, video
Really please with this!! Fun more the useful... AMD64 led to a few issues (haven't got global_menu working yet) but here's the link if you're interested... maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-hardy-to-mac-osx-leop...
ubuntu LTS 8.04/ 1.jun.09
Ubuntu 9.04 Gnome Cairo-Dock
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matttbe, Tuesday 11 May 2010 à 00:26
Tags : desktop, gnome, elementary, jaunty, murrine, cairodock, ubuntu904, photography, photos, photo
Ubuntu 9.04 Gnome Cairo-Dock Elementary Icon Set Murrine-Sky Theme
Ubuntu, Cairo Dock
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matttbe, Tuesday 11 May 2010 à 00:17
Tags : photography, digital photography, cameraphones, camera, hobby photography, photo, digital camera, compactflash, smartmedia, cameras, canon, nikon, olympus, fujifilm, video
Ubuntu, Cairo Dock
Right click - Ubuntu Lucid
Advanced Mode - Ubuntu Lucid - FR
Simple mode - Ubuntu Lucid