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Thunderbird plugin - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
It's a Thunderbird add-on! How to Install in Thunderbird? * Download and save the file to your hard disk. * In Mozilla Thunderbird, open Add-ons from the Tools menu. * From the options button next to the add-on search field, select "Install Add-on From File..." and locate the downloaded add-on.
Saturday 17 November 2012 à 00:22
Screensaver Inhibitor - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
A small applet to inhibit the screensaver. This is especially useful when watching videos on Internet. Click on the icon to inhibit/deinhibit the screensaver. You can also add a timer for this inhibition on the config panel of the applet.
Thursday 05 January 2012 à 18:25
Gmail - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet will notify you of new emails on a single Gmail account. This package is required: python-libxml2 (install it if you see that you're not able to add your GMail account)
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:33
Liferea - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applets makes an interface with Liferea
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:33
HDDtemperature - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet shows maximal temperature of your hard disk drives getting values from 'hddtemp' daemon (see: man hddtemp). Left-click shows more information about HD drives.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:33
Translator - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet translates single words, complete sentences, or web pages. To use it, either click on the icon or press the shortkey, then enter your text and press Enter. The translated text will be shown in a popup and be available in the clipboard, just press Ctrl+v to have it. You can also drop some text onto the icon, or translate the current clipboard content (middle-click). You can select the languages you want to translate from/to through the menu, or in the config window of the applet. Shortkeys can be configured too. By default: - If you want to translate something you are reading in the foreign language, press Ctrl + Alt + R - If you are writing something in your native language, press Ctrl + Alt + W.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:33
Quote - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet provides a "Quote of the day" feature from some internet sources such as: Quotationspage.com, Bash.org, Xkcdb.com, Qdb.us, Danstonchat.com, Jokes2go.com, and Vidademerda.com.br.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:32
Moon - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet displays the moon phases and its informations for the current day, or week from the Northern or Southern hemisphere
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:32
Xchat - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet integrates Xchat and Xchat-gnome into your dock. It can display new messages, you select a channel from the menu on right-click, write a message on middle-click, and display the messages history by scrolling on the icon The icon will also control the window of xchat like a normal application icon.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:32
WindowsKiller - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
WindowsKiller is able to kill problematic windows easily. Left Click on its icon and simply select window that cause trouble to kill it. (select the dock in order to cancel) Middle Click will give you some informations like the pid, the command to launch this application, the uptime and the class(es) of this window.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:32
WebSearch - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet provides an interface to some search engines such as Google, Bing, Teoma, Yahoo!, Youtube, Webshots, Flickr, Wikipedia, ImageShack, and Twitter. To choose the search engine you can (1) Right-click on the main icon -> WebSearch -> (Choose the engine) (2) Right-click -> Configure this applet -> Configuration -> Search engine (3) Scroll up or down over the icon (applicable only for the first search) You can search in three ways (1) Middle-click on the main icon (2) Left-click on main icon (right after choosing a new engine) Type your query and validate. Each result will be shown as a sub-icon. Left-click to open the the result in the default Web Browser Middle-click on the sub-icon of any result to show its description Scroll up to fetch the next results Scroll down to fetch the previous results Left-click on the main icon to show search stats.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:32
Transmission - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet allows you to control Transmission from the Dock. It can display the download rate on the icon. Middle-click on the icon gives you information about the current torrents (you can bind a shortkey for this action). Right-click on the icon allows you to pause/start all the torrents. Drop a torrent file on the icon to add it to the list and start downloading it immediately.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:31
Pidgin - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet integrates Pidgin into your dock. It can display new messages, you select a conversation from the menu on right-click, write a message on middle-click, and display the messages history by scrolling on the icon The icon will also control the window of Pidgin like a normal application icon.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:31
MintMenu - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet allows you to have the Mint menu inside your dock. Click on the icon to popup the menu. Right-click lets you access to the preferences window. Note: you need to install MintMenu.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:31
Lancelot - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet allows you to have the Lancelot menu inside your dock. Click on the icon to popup the menu. Right-click lets you access to the preferences window. Note: you need to install Lancelot.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:30
KTorrent - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet allows you to control KTorrent from the Dock. It can display the download rate on the icon. Middle-click on the icon gives you information about the current torrents (you can bind a shortkey for this action). Right-click on the icon allows you to pause/start all the torrents. Drop a torrent file on the icon to add it to the list and start downloading it immediately.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:30
GTG - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet integrates GTG into your dock. It can display tasks, Create a new task on middle-click,Create a post-it from a task category. The icon will also control the window of GTG like a normal application icon.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:30
Google - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet provides an interface to Google search engine. Left click on the main icon to open the search dialog. Each result will be shown as a sub-icon. Left-click to open the result in the default Web Browser.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:29
GnoMenu - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet allows you to have the GnoMenu menu inside your dock. Click on the icon to popup the menu. Right-click lets you access to the preferences window. Note: you need to install GnoMenu.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 21:28
DiskFree - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
View available file system's free space.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 20:43
Deluge - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet allows you to control Deluge from the Dock (You need to install deluged, which is the daemon used to communicate between the Dock and Deluge). It can display the download rate on the icon. Middle-click on the icon gives you information about the current torrents (you can bind a shortkey for this action). Right-click on the icon allows you to pause/start all the torrents. Drop a torrent file on the icon to add it to the list and start downloading it immediately.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 20:41
Cardapio - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet allows you to have the Cardapio menu inside your dock. Click on the icon to popup the menu. Right-click lets you edit the menus.Note: you need to install Cardapio.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 20:41
Calendar - Drag this link on your dock to install it!
This applet will display the current date. Left Click displays the calendar Middle Click launches a calendar application of your choice Scroll Up displays the calendar of the next month Scroll Down displays the events of the day Dropping a file on the icon launches the calendar application and import it.
Saturday 24 September 2011 à 20:41