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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Problems at use | Problèmes à l'utilisation Mintmenu applet non-functional in Cairo-dock with LM16 and Cinnamon
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Problems at use | Problèmes à l'utilisation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] Mintmenu applet non-functional in Cairo-dock with LM16 and Cinnamon [Bug #333]
riv-dogg English 1 taiebot65 [Read]
11 June 2014 à 22:14

riv-dogg, Thursday 29 May 2014 à 16:14

Subscription date : 27 May 2014
Messages : 3
New thread started as suggested by SQP. Many thanks for your help. My original satarted post as follows....

Subscription date : 27 May 2014
Messages : 2    First of all very new to Mint (16) and Cairo Dock, and fairly new to Linux in general - so please assume I will need spoonfeeding a bit.

I basically know what's what and can use the terminal. Have installed Mint 16 (Cinnamon) on my Dell 15z laptop - it has the nvidia card, but I don't think I have it working yet. Cairo Dock (3.3.2) is installed and working just fine, but 'mintmenu applet is non-responsive'. Have installed the latest applet and have installed mintmenu. I've read this thread carefully. but nothing is working. The icon appears on the dock, but does nothing. Can anyone help?

Thanks for suggestion SQP - The terminal immediately gave the following info.

james@JCLT-15Z-LM ~ $ cairo-dock
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-3.3.2/src/implementations/cairo-dock-glx.c:_initialize_opengl_backend:179)
couldn't find an appropriate visual, trying to get one without Stencil buffer
(it may cause some little deterioration in the rendering) ...

    Cairo-Dock version : 3.3.2
    Compiled date : Jan 21 2014 23:36:49
    Built with GTK : 3.8
    Running with OpenGL: 1

Cairo-Dock - Launcher API Daemon is already running (1917)
_cd_find_volume_name_from_drive_name: assertion 'pDrive != NULL' failed
_cd_find_volume_name_from_drive_name: assertion 'pDrive != NULL' failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./MintMenu", line 36, in <module>
import mateapplet as gnomeapplet
ImportError: No module named mateapplet

As I say I'm very 'green' - I just started Cairo-Dock from the terminal and tried to install the applet. I hope this was what you wanted.

taiebot65, Wednesday 11 June 2014 à 22:14

Subscription date : 26 October 2008
Messages : 1904
it looks like you do have missing libraries for python to work with mint-menu which is weird as you are on mint?

Have you tried creating a launcher which launch the mint menu?

Problems at use | Problèmes à l'utilisation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] Mintmenu applet non-functional in Cairo-dock with LM16 and Cinnamon [Bug #333]
riv-dogg English 1 taiebot65 [Read]
11 June 2014 à 22:14

Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Problems at use | Problèmes à l'utilisation Mintmenu applet non-functional in Cairo-dock with LM16 and Cinnamon Top

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Dock based on CSS Dock Menu (Ndesign) with jQuery. Icons by zgegball
Cairo-Dock is a free software under GNU-GPL3 licence. First stable version created by Fabounet.
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