Problems at use | Problèmes à l'utilisation
tomato, Sunday 02 June 2013 à 22:19
Subscription date : 02 June 2013
Messages : 2
I just installed the great cairo-dock and customized it.
But there is one problem:
When I want to open a subdock (opens on mouse over) sometimes the main dock closes. So the subdock stays in the middle of the screen until I move my mouse away.
It looks like there's a small gap between these docks. And when the mouse enters this gap (for a short moment) the main dock closes. It works perfectly when I move my mouse fast enough on the subdock. (I have attached a video link).
My options:
The main docks hides always... there is another option named the same in the german UI, but with this hide-alway-option you can set the in-out-animation (with the other one, you can't)
The sub-docks open on mouse over after 200 ms and close after 200 ms.
However before you post a message on the forum and to speed up things, don't forget to include as much informations as you can (if it's possible ):- The version of Cairo-Dock ('cairo-dock -v' in a terminal).
3.2.1- Your GNU/Linux distribution (Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.).
Xubuntu 12.10- Or you using OpenGL or not.
yes (-> GLX-Dock)- Your Window manager (Compiz, Metacity, Kwin, Openbox, etc.).
xfwm4 (default on Xubuntu)- Your Desktop Environment (Gnome, KDE, XFCE, etc.).
XFCE- How you got the bug and therefore the answer to the question 'How can the bug be reproduced'.
It's quite obvious when you watch this video frame-by-frame...
Hope this is fixable somehow
Have a nice day |
matttbe, Thursday 06 June 2013 à 01:37
Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Hello and thank you for this bug report!
Can you confirm that you're using the 'Slide' view for the main dock? It's not common, maybe a bit buggy
If yes, do you have this bug if you remove the arrow? (Advanced mode of the config panel / Views / Slide / Arrow height => 0)
(and do you have this bug with other views?)
Have a nice day  |
tomato, Thursday 06 June 2013 à 09:38
Subscription date : 02 June 2013
Messages : 2
Yes, I am using 'Slide' (in german "Gleiten") for the main dock.
Setting the arrow-height to 0 makes it slightly better. But a gap (~5 px) remains. When the mouse enters this gap, the main dock will still close.
I tried other views:
Most of them (3D-Panel, Curve, Panel) it's nearly impossible to reproduce. Only if you REALLY want to reproduce the behavior. I did not tried all of them, because e.g. 'Parabolic' is awful as a main dock  |
matttbe, Friday 14 June 2013 à 19:40
Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Thank you for these details!
@fabounet: can you have a look to this bug?
There is maybe a link with the bug that I have with Slide: bg_topic.php?t=7015#mess_79518 |
Problems at use | Problèmes à l'utilisation