Problems at use | Problèmes à l'utilisation
Guest, Thursday 14 July 2011 à 17:46
I'm running Cairo-Dock on Debian Squeeze with LXDE and Openbox.
Cairo-Dock version: 2.1.3-10-lucid
Compiled date: Oct 9 2010 07:11:14
Running with OpenGL: 0
I am using that version because it is the one in the Debian repository.
The problem is that my GMenu applet (v1.1.5) shows 'Recent Documents' but no menu at all.
Having looked at the thread, I can offer the following information:
The *only* on my system is:
There are some .desktop entries in $HOME/.local/share/applications, and the rest of the relevant ones are in /usr/share/applications.
Can I work around this by placing a symlink to /etc/xdg/menus/ somewhere?
Thanks. |
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
Can I work around this by placing a symlink to /etc/xdg/menus/ somewhere?
yes, link /etc/xdg/menus/ to /etc/xdg/menus/ and it should be good (you need to be root)
if not, try with /etc/xdg/menus/ |
Guest, Friday 15 July 2011 à 15:20
fabounet : Can I work around this by placing a symlink to /etc/xdg/menus/ somewhere?
yes, link /etc/xdg/menus/ to /etc/xdg/menus/ and it should be good  (you need to be root)
if not, try with /etc/xdg/menus/
Great! The second option did the trick in my case.
Merci tres beacoup, and keep up the excellent work. |
Guest, Friday 15 July 2011 à 21:30
One small thing: I am unable to mark the thread as solved - presumably because I posted as 'Guest'.
Perhaps the webmaster could do it for me, so as to help others?
Thanks. |
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
Note for me: include this case in the code. |
matttbe, Friday 22 July 2011 à 14:10
Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
(Message added on the task #217)
Fabounet : Note for me: include this case in the code Task added! |
Guest, Saturday 15 October 2011 à 15:56
For what it's worth, the menu in /etc/xdg/menus/ is the system-wide menu; the user-specific menu is at ~/.config/menus/ I symlinked this to /etc/xdg/menus/ and it is working great. My point in doing it this way was to avoid the need for root privileges when editing my menu.
~ Trulan |
fabounet, Monday 17 October 2011 à 14:00
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
thanks for the tip  |
Subscription date : 26 October 2008
Messages : 1904
(Message added on the task #217)
This bug was fixed by launching the dock using the option cairo-dock -o -e gnome or -e xfce |
Problems at use | Problèmes à l'utilisation