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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation 2.3 on Arch?
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Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] 2.3 on Arch? [Bug #163]
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Lockheed English 97 Tofe [Read]
12 May 2011 à 11:58

Lockheed, Saturday 12 February 2011 à 17:53

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
Is there any dedicated way to install 2.3 on Arch Linux? Aur has only 2.3 and I need Cardapio support.

matttbe, Saturday 12 February 2011 à 20:04

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573

There are these two pkgbuilds: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=30334 & http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=30335
But they have to be updated to last revisions. (I think you just have to post a message there)
You can also modify these two pkgbuilds to always install the last revision. Simply replace these lines:
  if [ ! -./${_bzrmod} ]; then
--no-plugins branch ${_bzrtrunk} ${_bzrmod} -${pkgver}
cd ${_bzrmod} && bzr --no-plugins pull ${_bzrtrunk} -${pkgver}
by something like that:
  if [ ! -./${_bzrmod} ]; then
    bzr checkout 
--lightweight ${_bzrtrunk} ${_bzrmod}
cd ${_bzrmod} && bzr update ${_bzrtrunk}
It removes the option to download a specific revision and it only download the last revision and not a copy of the branch
PS: If you already use these pkgbuild, please remove previous cairo-dock-core and cairo-dock-plug-ins (where sources files are downloaded.

Guest, Saturday 12 February 2011 à 23:44

Thanks. Those 'pkgbuilds' to edit, where will I find them? Do you mean I should say Yes to question of editing it while AUR is installing those?

Also, how precise is this 'something like that'?

matttbe, Sunday 13 February 2011 à 00:35

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Do you mean I should say Yes to question of editing it while AUR is installing those?
I think yes.

Also, how precise is this 'something like that'?
No, I meant just like that. Except that it's just better with an indentation

fabounet, Sunday 13 February 2011 à 04:10

Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
and when you're done, please make a feedback on the use of Cardapio inside Cairo-Dock
(or any other extra applet you use)

Lockheed, Sunday 13 February 2011 à 11:43

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
Great. I installed the newest version. Now the quesiton is - how do I add cardapio (or any other menu) applet to the dock?

matttbe, Sunday 13 February 2011 à 12:49

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
=> http://www.glx-dock.org/mc_applets.php

Lockheed, Sunday 13 February 2011 à 13:23

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
"The module has been added but could not be launched."

matttbe, Sunday 13 February 2011 à 13:38

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573

Any other message in the terminal?
You can also launch the dock with this command:
cairo-dock -l debug

fabounet, Monday 14 February 2011 à 14:23

Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
what if you enable it from the config panel ?
Edit: indeed, I've forgot to add the automatic activation of the new applets

Lockheed, Saturday 19 February 2011 à 19:09

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
I talked with Cardapio developer and this is what he said:
due to some recent changes in Cardapio, this applet broke. So I contacted the developer of the Cairo-Dock applet last week and we have come up with a fix. I don't know when the fixed version will be available publicly, though

Can you tell me When can we expect that?

fabounet, Saturday 19 February 2011 à 19:56

Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
I've read his answer, so there is just to know which version of Cardapio is running now.

Lockheed, Saturday 19 February 2011 à 20:00

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
Who is?

Lockheed, Sunday 20 February 2011 à 10:53

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
I tried Gnomenu applet and it's the same story - nothing happens after clicking on it but Gnomenu does run if I start it with command line.

Lockheed, Sunday 20 February 2011 à 15:36

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
MintMenu applet - same story...

matttbe, Sunday 20 February 2011 à 15:46

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Any other message in the terminal?
You can also launch the dock with this command:
cairo-dock -l debug
Because I think that in Arch (and only in Arch?) they use python3 by default. And all these applets need python2 and I don't know if Python3 is supported...
What's the output of this command
locate CDApplet.py |grep lib/python

Lockheed, Sunday 20 February 2011 à 18:46

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
locate: can not stat () `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db': No such file or directory

I am using pythin2, though, cause all my screenlets start on it.

Lockheed, Thursday 24 February 2011 à 11:44

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
You are right:

$ python
Python 3.1.3 (r313:86834, Jan 28 2011, 20:00:55)

What can I do now?

matttbe, Thursday 24 February 2011 à 13:27

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
I think /usr/bin/python is a symbolic link to /usr/bin/python3.
There are a few solutions... We/You/Someone can:
  • Porte our CDApplet.py and all applet to Python3 (or create something to be compatible with python 2 and 3)
  • Force CD to use python 2 if it's a python applet and if python2 binary is available.
  • ...
  • or you can change the symbolic link of /usr/bin/python
    cd /usr/bin
    sudo ln -sf python2 python
    but it's a workaround :)

Lockheed, Thursday 24 February 2011 à 14:45

Subscription date : 13 January 2010
Messages : 72
I did this workaround but the thing is still not working...

Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] 2.3 on Arch? [Bug #163]
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Lockheed English 97 Tofe [Read]
12 May 2011 à 11:58

Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Installation problems | Problèmes à l'installation 2.3 on Arch? Top

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Dock based on CSS Dock Menu (Ndesign) with jQuery. Icons by zgegball
Cairo-Dock is a free software under GNU-GPL3 licence. First stable version created by Fabounet.
Many thanks to TuxFamily for the web Hosting and Mav for the domain name.