rozen, Saturday 20 November 2010 à 19:43
Subscription date : 20 December 2009
Messages : 19
I posed the following question:
"I am running 2.2.0-4 on Ubuntu 10.10 and Gnome and really like Cairo-Dock. When I enable the system monitor the icon appears but the values are not displayed on the icon. However, I can display them on the label.
I have set the configuration to "on icon". I do use fairly large fonts if that might effect the display of the values.: The Application Font is Sans 14. The Fixed Width font is Monospace 14. The others are all 12 point fonts.
I would appreciate any suggestions.
and received the following suggestion from Fabounet:
"maybe you could try to delete ~/.config/cairo-dock/extras/gauge, and restart the dock, so that the gauge will be updated.
you can also try to detach the applet, and enlarge it, just to see if it works for a bigger icon.
If the problem persists, please come on our forum on, it's more convenient to talk
When I looked in ~/.config/cairo-dock/extras there was no guage subdirectory. When I detach the applet I see no values displayed. I have changes some of my font selections back to the default values and that did not seem to have any effect.
Thanks in Advance,
Don |
matttbe, Saturday 20 November 2010 à 22:10
Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Which gauge do you use? Or do you use a graphic? |
rozen, Sunday 21 November 2010 à 03:06
Subscription date : 20 December 2009
Messages : 19
What I am trying to use is System Monitor. I turn it on in the System section of the Cairo-Dock Configuration GUI. |
matttbe, Sunday 21 November 2010 à 13:10
Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Is it possible to do a right click on this applet in order to configure it and see which gauge is chosen. Is it possible to try with another? Is it better? |
rozen, Sunday 21 November 2010 à 18:54
Subscription date : 20 December 2009
Messages : 19
Sorry, I misunderstood you question.
The gauge I am using is the default (Local) Turbo-night-fuel. I have tried several others, but none display the values unless I hover over them with the mouse pointer. Perhaps the behavior has been changed from what was done before?
As an aside, What does Local or Net mean? |
fabounet, Monday 22 November 2010 à 14:54
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
do you use the OpenGL version ?
if so, could you please try to run the dock without opengl (cairo-dock -c) and see if the problem occurs too ? |
rozen, Tuesday 23 November 2010 à 04:03
Subscription date : 20 December 2009
Messages : 19
When I stopped and restarted Cairo-Dock without OpenGL from the Applications menu, it had the same appearance as before.
When I stopped and restarted it using (cairo-dock -c) in an xterm window still no values but a black background. It also produced the following messages:
rozen@atlas: ~ > cairo-dock -c
Cairo-Dock version: 2.2.0-4
Compiled date: Oct 1 2010 22:55:41
Running with OpenGL: 0
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-2.2.0-4/src/gldit/cairo-dock-modules.c:cairo_dock_load_modules_in_directory:400)
while opening module '/usr/lib/cairo-dock/' : ( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
cd_switcher_compute_desktop_coordinates: assertion `myData.switcher.iNbColumns != 0' failed
cd_switcher_draw_main_icon_compact_mode: assertion `myData.switcher.iNbColumns != 0 && myData.switcher.iNbLines != 0' failed
Binding '<Control>F1' failed!
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-2.2.0-4/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:cd_keybinder_bind:304)
Couldn't bind <Control>F1
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
Binding '<Control>F2' failed!
warning : (/build/buildd/cairo-dock-2.2.0-4/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:cd_keybinder_bind:304)
Couldn't bind <Control>F2
This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
cd_dbus_register_module_in_dir: assertion `pKeyFile != NULL' failed |
fabounet, Tuesday 23 November 2010 à 14:12
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
well there seems to be nothing wrong in the outputs, so maybe it's just a small refresh problem, since the values are displayed once you hover the icon.
are they correctly upgraded after that ?
As an aside, What does Local or Net mean?
"Net" are the ones that are on our server. |
rozen, Wednesday 24 November 2010 à 19:24
Subscription date : 20 December 2009
Messages : 19
Yes, they are updated. That is, I see a different value each time I hover over the icon. |
fabounet, Thursday 25 November 2010 à 13:54
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
ok thanks, I'll try to reproduce it at home and see what can be wrong  |