The latest stable release is the *3.4.0* : How to install it here.
Note: We just switched from BZR to Git on Github! (only to host the code and your future pull requests)
Note: this article is a translation. You can find its original version written by Fabounethere
That's it 1 year old! Isn't that incredible?
One year ago I was posting a message on the Ubuntu-fr forum to let people know that I modified a few line in gnome-dock so that you could put on top of the taskbar.
And now we have just released the version 1.6.1 part of the 1.6 branch with more applets and themes.
Ti sum it up we have the new Switcher applet (which allow you to definitely get rid of the Gnome-panel) a new very classy theme : Brit
and also a new view : Curve (note from ppmt: Too nice!!)
Package generation is also getting very mature, juste in time for the inclusion of the dock in Ubuntu 8.10!
Up to us to make it perfect by October so that everybody can have cairo-dock on its dekstop.