The latest stable release is the *3.4.0* : How to install it here.
Note: We just switched from BZR to Git on Github! (only to host the code and your future pull requests)
It has been requested for some time and with the ever growing popularity of mini laptop such as the Eeepc it was becoming more and more needed.
Well it is here! Ladies and Gentlemen I present you the Auto-resize function.
Do you own one of this Eeepc or do you work with about 30 application and windows open?
Then you are going to like this. Until the dock was just expanding to make room for your applications eventually growing bigger that your desktop. Not very practical!
Now the dock will adapt so that it will never grow bigger than your desktop! How does it achieve this?
Simply by dynamically decreasing the size of each icons on the dock as needed.
Even better when you start closing the application the dock will dynamically increase the size of your icons until it goes back to the
size you have configured