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matttbe, Sunday 24 March 2013 à 14:16
Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
The Cairo-Dock team (Fabounet, Matttbe, plus all the people who contributed with patches, bug-fixes, ideas and themes) is proud to announce the release of Cairo-Dock 3.2.
Here are the main changes of this version:
- Multi-screen support has been improved
- New applet : Screenshot, Indicator-Generic
- New plug-in: Sound-Effects
- Added Gnome-Shell support
- Added GDM support for user switching
- Added Systemd support for the session management (Fedora, Arch, ...)
- Added support for all the Unity indicators
- Countless bug-fixes and improvements
- If you like the project, please donate
Other changes:
- Core:
- Applications:
- Hide dock if active window overlaps: Also hide the dock if the active window doesn't have any icon in the dock (e.g. search box, properties window, etc.)
- DBus:
- Added the possibility to use a smaller timeout: e.g. avoid a freeze of the dock when using musicPlayer applet and the music player is frozen.
- Desklets:
- When the screen resolution changes, replace the desklets at their correct position
- Desktop environment:
- Added better support of Gnome-Shell (e.g. to show all windows with the same class, etc.)
- Icons:
- Launchers:
- Launchers visible on a given desktop: handle this ability in every docks and not only the main dock
- Menu:
- Added the possibility to change the Sticky mode of windows
- Improved buttons for windows actions
- Overlays:
- Periodic tasks launched in background:
- Used less resources by using only one thread per task.
- Theme:
- Handle more error when packaging theme.
- Default theme:
- Updated the launchers to work with the latest version of KDE
- Panel: replaced Printers-Menu by Indicator-Generic.
- Updated translations: thanks to all contributors on Launchpad!
- X manager:
- added full support of multi-screens: when can now choose the screen number for each dock (or on all screens)
- Improve the widget to select the screen in the config panel.
- Added support of desktop names
- Dock: Reserve space: we can only reserve space if the dock is on the edge and not on the middle of two screens (X11 limitation)
- Compilation:
- CMakeLists.txt: replace a lot of string by boolean (we can now use ON, YES, TRUE)
- Removed the use of RTLD_DEEPBIND and modify other things, which should make the dock compatible with BSD again. (thanks to Max Power)
- Removed the need for pangox (deprecated)
- Plug-ins
- New applets and plugins:
- Indicator-Generic: new applet!
- A plugin to hold all your 'indicators' applets. Simply enable it and it will load all your installed indicators. You can define a blacklist to not load some indicators.
- It replaces Sync-Menu and Printers-Menu applets
- Screenshot: new applet!
- fast, clean, and with no useless effect or sound...
- Application Menu (GMenu):
- Support the new version of Gnome-Menu (libgnome-menu-3.0) if available
- Avoid freeze at startup by preloading the menu and the icons in a separated thread
- Also support 'menulibre' to edit menus
- Clock:
- Update the icon with the correct time when the session has just returned from suspend or hibernate.
- Resync with the correct second when the previous signal is received.
- Fixed a few bugs with ICS file support
- DBus:
- Remaned cairo-dock-unity-bridge to cairo-dock-launcher-API-daemon: This script is not really a bridge but it replaces the Unity Launcher API daemon. Unity is not required, if an application supports the Unity Launcher API, the dock should act as "Unity's dock".
- Install python interfaces for both python2 and 3
- Desklet rendering:
- Modified the clear and dark themes (smaller corners) and added a few more themes
- Dock rendering:
- Views: 3D and Curve: maximize the window size to avoid resizing and jerking of the dock.
- GVFS integration:
- Can now mount encrypted volumes that demand password
- Hidden files were not correctly handled
- Handle smb share folders and other exotic mount points
- Removed a few small memory leaks
- Keyboard Indicator:
- rewritten xklavier part to improve support of non gnome DE.
- Logout:
- Added GDM support for user switching
- Added support for Systemd, for reboot and shutdown
- Messaging Menu:
- Used Indicator3 if it's available (should be better)
- MusicPlayer:
- Improved the content of the notifications
- Netspeed:
- If no interface is set in the config panel (default settings), monitor all interfaces (except loopback)
- Notes-taking:
- allow the applet to work without tomboy/gnote
- Python scripts:
- should now support both python 2 and 3
- Quick-Browser:
- Added a right click menu: Open With / Copy Location / Open the parent folder
- Recent-Events:
- Toolbar: use an inline style with transparent borders
- Open With menu: used the correct size for the image
- Shortcuts:
- Handle network bookmarks (like FTP, even with password)
- Correctly see mounted/unmounted bookmarks
- ShowDesktop:
- Gnome-Shell workaround: add a small delay before triggering the desktop Exposé or Gnome-Shell will not respond
- Sound-effects: new plugin!
- add sounds to various events in the dock
- SoundMenu:
- Used Indicator3 to load the menu if it's available (should be better)
- Status-Notifier:
- Force menu to be inside of the current screen
- Switcher:
- Support the desktop names defined by the session
- System-monitor:
- Fixed wrong rounding of the amount of RAM
- Updated translations: thanks to all contributors on Launchpad! (Added: Serbian Latin)
- Compilation:
- CMakeLists.txt: replace a lot of string by boolean (we can now use ON, YES, TRUE)
- Improve the compatibility with BSD (thanks to Max Power)
- Third Party
- All: a few applets (GMail, Xchat, Calendar, etc.) should now support both Python 2 and 3 but it still need more work (and help
- MintMenu:
- Updated to match the latest version of mintmenu (that uses mateapplet instead of gnomeapplet)
- GTG:
- Supported both old (0.2) and new (0.3) versions (thanks to llaen for his help)
- Ported it to CDApplet Python interface
- Pidgin & Xchat:
- Added an option to demand attention on new message
How to install this new version?
If you want to install this new version, tarballs are available there:
For Ubuntu users: our repository and PPA have been updated. If you want to use our ppa, simply execute these commands in a terminal: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cairo-dock-team
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins
For Debian users: our repository will be updated soon!
Other: please have a look there:
Note that if you like this work, don't hesitate to help us by reporting bugs, by donating with Paypal or Flattr, by translating the dock, by proposing new themes or new patches, by proposing new ideas, by posting an article on your blog, or simply by writing a little comments on our forum
More information:
And if you want to follow us, there are a few ways:
Thank you to all contributors! Specially Fabounet for this great work again But also all contributors mentioned here above, our forum members, all translators on Launchpad, all people who have donated on Paypal or Flattr, proposed new ideas, reported bug, posted articles, screenshots and screencasts everywhere, etc. (so all people who have contributed to the dock to make it better )
Fabounet (Fabrice Rey) and Matttbe (Matthieu Baerts) for the Cairo-Dock team.
PS: a blog article: |
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
I've written an article for the various tech blogs, it's a framapad here:
Feel free to edit, and propose any blog where we could send it
@Matttbe: I've incorporated your additions in the article (the end was a bit redundant and the paypal link didn't work). |
Subscription date : 26 October 2008
Messages : 1904
Thanks to have clear the jerking of the dock.
I requested this a while back always hoping you would do it. (almost 4 years ) gold shovel
Now i need reflexion on default panel view |
Tofe, Thursday 28 March 2013 à 21:28
Subscription date : 09 February 2008
Messages : 921
Hello !
For your information, Cairo-Dock 3.2.0 is available on ArchLinux, and... is now a "Community" package It means the users no longer need to compile it themselves, CD will be compiled along with the rest of the packages of the distribution.
And "bravo !" for the great work you continue to do here !! |
fabounet, Thursday 28 March 2013 à 23:47
Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
cool !
do you still manage this "new" package ? |
Tofe, Friday 29 March 2013 à 10:26
Subscription date : 09 February 2008
Messages : 921
No, I'm not a "Trusted User" down there So it's now another user that will take care of that. |
matttbe, Friday 29 March 2013 à 16:12
Official announcements | Annonces officielles