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Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Official announcements | Annonces officielles Cairo-Dock / GLX-Dock 2.4.0 is now released
The latest stable release is the *3.4.0* : How to install it here.
Note: We just switched from BZR to Git on Github! (only to host the code and your future pull requests)
Official announcements | Annonces officielles

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] Cairo-Dock / GLX-Dock 2.4.0 is now released
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matttbe English 20 brianw [Read]
29 September 2014 à 00:56

matttbe, Wednesday 28 September 2011 à 04:33

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
It's finally done, Cairo/GLX-Dock 2.4 is released!

We wanted to have a minor version (2.3.1) but it's really hard to say "Now, we stop to add new functionalities"!

Note that this announce has been posted on our new mailing list. You can subscribe here.

So... what's new in this new version? The main changes:
  • The Power-Manager applet has been rewritten to work on any platform.
  • A new Help applet has been added to help our beloved users
  • Integration in the XFCE desktop has been improved.
  • Several new DBus methods gives you the possibility to interact on the dock more easily.
  • The dock can now be used in a Compiz-standalone environment.
  • Let your dock dance thanks to the new Impulse applet! Have a look at this new applet, it's fun (but useless?)

But also a lot of improvements and fixed bugs.
  • About the core:
    • The dock tries to use applications' '.desktop' files: Unity quicklists are supported and themes have been updated in order to use a similar application if the default one is unavailable.
    • Added an entry on your desktop manager (GDM, LightDM, etc.) in order to launch a Gnome session with Cairo-Dock as a panel. This option is enable in Ubuntu Oneiric: you can open a Gnome session without Unity or the Gnome-Panel.
    • It's now a bit easier to create a new dock.
    • A better integration with Window Managers (e.g. the dock tries to use Scale effects of Compiz 0.8 and 0.9 or Kwin).
    • The icons in Cairo-Dock menus are now forced.
    • Gauge and graph drawing has been improved and a few options have been added just like some new themes on our server.
    • The default theme has been updated.
    • The launch of the dock should be faster
  • About our plug-ins:
    • A new view for desklet-rendering has been added: Panel.
    • Output messages at the compilation have been added and improved.
    • Messaging Menu applet now works fine on Ubuntu Oneiric (and Natty).
    • Status-Notifer now works on Ubuntu Oneiric, KDE4 and any other environment by using a custom watcher.
    • Composite-Manager replaces Compiz-Icon with more options for other Window Managers.
    • The support of Gnome 3 tools has been improved.
    • Logout now works when no session-manager is present or if the desktop-manager is not supported.
    • MusicPlayer applet supports MPRIS2.
    • PowerManager can be hidden if the battery is not used.
    • An option has been added to have a background colour on the icon when it's always visible.
    • Gauge can be used with AlsaMixer applet (many themes are available).
    • The menu of Clipper has been improved.
  • About our third-party applets:
    • These applets can now be translated.
    • A few new applets are available! Simply have a look there: http://glx-dock.org/mc_album.php?a=7

If you want to install this new version, the tarballs are available there:

For Ubuntu users: our repository and ppa have been updated. If you want to use our ppa, simply launch these commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cairo-dock-team
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cairo-dock cairo-dock-plug-ins

For Debian users: our repository will be updated asap!

For all other: please have a look there: http://glx-dock.org/ww_page.php?p=Accueil&lang=en#0-Installation

Note that if you like this work, don't hesitate to help us by reporting bugs, by donating with Paypal or Flattr, by translating the dock, by proposing new themes or new patches, by proposing new ideas, by posting an article on your blog, or simply by giving to us a little comments on our forum
More information: http://glx-dock.org/ww_page.php?p=How%20to%20help%20us&lang=en

And if you want to follow us, there are a few ways (a new mailing list has been opened!): Follow Us

Thank you to all contributors!

The Cairo-Dock team.

A screenshot: low resolution - better resolution

A screencast with a few annotations: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NE6FFKhc66A

(Recorded on Ubuntu 11.10 with a "Cairo-Dock" session and "Oneiric-Panel" theme)

PS: on this screencast, the theme used is Oneiric-Panel with Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric and a Cairo-Dock session selected on the LightDM connexion window.
Recorded on Ubuntu 11.10 with a "Cairo-Dock" session and "Oneiric-Panel" theme.

fabounet, Wednesday 28 September 2011 à 11:57

Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
merci pour l'annonce !

(mais pourquoi parler de "minor version" ? on dirait qu'on n'a pas fini ou qu'on a rien glandé pendant 6 mois )

je me baserai dessus pour écrire un p'tit article pour les blogs (sauf si qqun veut le faire).

tu as posté l'annonce sur Launchpad ?

matttbe, Wednesday 28 September 2011 à 12:41

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
I sais that we wanted to do that but it's too hard to released a minor version

This version has been posted on launchpad and on our mailing list (+twitter, identi.ca, g+). But I can also give a link to this topic to a few blog writers (if they create their own article)

lylambda, Wednesday 28 September 2011 à 13:21

Subscription date : 06 September 2009
Messages : 1635
Matttbe, tu te lances dans une carrière de communiquant ? Parcqu'elle est pas mal du tout, cette annonce

matttbe, Wednesday 28 September 2011 à 13:56

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
j'ai des cours de gestion

But please keep this topic in English

fabounet, Thursday 29 September 2011 à 16:08

Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
we didn't want (at least, I didn't want) to release a minor version
it's a full 6-months work version
not a big deal, but it sounds strange to me.

about the release, unfortunately it seems I didn't read carefully all the recent revisions I found several mistakes yesterday (so far the biggest was in NetworkMonitor, which is not in the packages), but I think we'll need to make a micro/nano version.
so I'm waiting to finish this before making the announce more public.
I've pushed a 2.4.1 yesterday, but I think I'll push back the changes in a 2.4.0-2 (to be safer, because I also have some new features in progress, I wouldn't want to mix both).

matttbe, Friday 30 September 2011 à 00:18

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Oh I though you wanted to release a another version two or three months ago. sorry.

It's not a problem to release a micro/nano version
But if it's possible, can you use this version: 2.4.0~2 (or 2.4.1).

Also, it seems it's better to have a version without a tild or a score. => 2.4.0, 2.4.1, etc. = stable
but we can use 2.4.90 .. 99 for our unstable versions.

PS: please note that there are a few more warnings at the compilations ;)
/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins/Indicator-applet/indicator-applet.c: In function ‘_cd_indicator_make_menu’:
/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins/Indicator-applet/indicator-applet.c:36:3: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘dbusmenu_gtkmenu_new’ discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type [enabled by default]
/usr/include/libdbusmenu-0.4/libdbusmenu-gtk/menu.h:88:19: note: expected ‘gchar *’ but argument is of type ‘const gchar *’
/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins/Indicator-applet/indicator-applet.c:36:3: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘dbusmenu_gtkmenu_new’ discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type [enabled by default]
/usr/include/libdbusmenu-0.4/libdbusmenu-gtk/menu.h:88:19: note: expected ‘gchar *’ but argument is of type ‘const gchar *’
/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins/Indicator-applet/indicator-applet.c: In function ‘cd_indicator_new’:
/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins/Indicator-applet/indicator-applet.c:114:2: warning: passing argument 1 of ‘indicator_service_manager_new_version’ discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type [enabled by default]
/usr/include/libindicator-0.4/libindicator/indicator-service-manager.h:80:29: note: expected ‘gchar *’ but argument is of type ‘const gchar *’
warning: passing argument 2 of ‘cairo_dock_request_icon_animation’ from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
/usr/include/cairo-dock/gldit/cairo-dock-animations.h:135:6: note: expected ‘struct CairoContainer *’ but argument is of type ‘struct CairoDock *’
/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins/Network-Monitor/src/applet-menu.c: In function ‘cd_NetworkMonitor_build_menu_with_access_points’:
/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins/Network-Monitor/src/applet-menu.c:487:6: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘cairo_dock_add_in_menu_with_stock_and_data’ from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
/usr/include/cairo-dock/gldit/cairo-dock-container.h:283:12: note: expected ‘GFunc’ but argument is of type ‘void (*)(void)’
/opt/cairo-dock_bzr/cairo-dock-plug-ins/Network-Monitor/src/applet-menu.c:512:8: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘cairo_dock_add_in_menu_with_stock_and_data’ from incompatible pointer type [enabled by default]
/usr/include/cairo-dock/gldit/cairo-dock-container.h:283:12: note: expected ‘GFunc’ but argument is of type ‘void (*)(void)’

fabounet, Friday 30 September 2011 à 12:21

Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
yes there are warnings, but this is because libindicator is wrongly declared (they should use const gchar*)
we can cast (although this is ugly), but certainely not duplicate the strings

for cairo-dock-container.h, I didn't push it yet.

PS: tu devrais arrêter le PHP, ça ramollit le cerveau y'avait des trucs assez moches dans les dernières revs (genre "data = &bFound" ne fait pas du tout ce que tu penses, mais "*data=bFound" oui, mettre des chaines constantes dans une table de hashage déclarée avec g_free est aussi efficace qu'un exit(1) , et les appels DBus asynchrones ne renvoient pas de résultat, il faut attendre la callback qui arrive ... plus tard).

je ferai une 2.4.0~2 donc (après il faudra se battre pour pusher tout ça dans Ubuntu ... cf le dernier mail)

matttbe, Friday 30 September 2011 à 16:26

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
we can cast (although this is ugly),
Yes but if we don't cast it, it will do that automatically and it adds a warning at the compilation, no? So it's maybe ugly to add a cast but cleaner, no?

for cairo-dock-container.h, I didn't push it yet.
Ok! When do you think it will be ok for the new version (it's just to know when it will be ok for Ubuntu)

tu devrais arrêter le PHP
Oui, je sais, désolé. En relisant à nouveau et avec les explications, je comprends mais ... trop tard, sorry.
Par contre, pour les dernières modif pour l'applet Help et l'intégration avec Compiz, tes modif ne fonctionnent pas avec Compiz 0.9 car ils ont un bug (connu) avec DBus d'où le workaround. J'ai pushé une nouvelle rev qui fonctionne (en réutilisant le même workaround) à part que Compiz crashes avec le workaround mais ça, c'est nouveau et c'est compiz...

matttbe, Sunday 02 October 2011 à 11:21

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
@ fabounet: can I use the version in the 2.4 bzr branches to release the new stable version? But there are a few differences with trunk branches (e.g. applet-impulse.c)

EDIT: I've merged with the trunk the modifications to fix this warning:
note: expected ‘struct CairoContainer *’ but argument is of type ‘struct CairoDock *’

fabounet, Monday 03 October 2011 à 17:40

Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
there are differences because I haven't push the trunk yet, but the 2.4 branch is clean

I'm going to push the trunk tonight I think.

PS: I'm not sure which one is better: directory or folder

SQP, Monday 03 October 2011 à 18:05

Subscription date : 03 July 2010
Messages : 1081
as a dinosaur, I'm used to the directory word. But folder is commonly used by MS since w98 I guess.
I guess this is exactly the same as for french translations (répertoire/dossier), whatever the one you choose, just keep it

matttbe, Tuesday 04 October 2011 à 18:12

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
Also, it seems it's better to have a version without a tild or a score. => 2.4.0, 2.4.1, etc. = stable
but we can use 2.4.90 .. 99 for our unstable versions.
So can I replace this 2.5.0~0alpha1 version by 2.4.90 ?

matttbe, Friday 23 December 2011 à 13:54

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
I need a few people to confirm that the version 2.4.0~2.1 of cairo-dock-plug-ins (currently available on Oneiric-Proposed repository) works and fixes these bugs:
    • if we use the switcher applet in a desklet mode without the compact view, it crashes
    • if we use an empty desklet (e.g. if cairo-dock is launched before other apps at startup (rare) or if the users has manually changed a few parameters to use empty directory or a tiny desklet or something else: http://www.glx-dock.org/bg_topic.php?t=5669 ), it crashes
    • With a few Qt apps (Skype, VLC, etc.), there is a no icon in the notification area plug-in if the Ubuntu's watcher (indicator-application) is used. (annoying to control these apps)
    • Application Menu applet doesn't work with the new version of KDE because it uses this file '/etc/xdg/menus/kde4-applications.menu' instead of '/etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu'. (annoying to launch other apps)

Simply add a comment there: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo-dock-plug-ins/+bug/886676

Thank you

fabounet, Monday 26 December 2011 à 03:53

Subscription date : 30 November 2007
Messages : 17118
y'a encore besoin ? ça compte si je poste un message ?

matttbe, Monday 26 December 2011 à 10:46

Subscription date : 24 January 2009
Messages : 12573
This new version has been uploaded to Oneiric-Proposed but it can be interesting to move it to Oneiric-update. We just have to confirm that it fixes the bugs

Guest, Tuesday 16 September 2014 à 02:05

Great dock!

taiebot65, Wednesday 17 September 2014 à 19:28

Subscription date : 26 October 2008
Messages : 1904
Another great release.

Less and less bugs to report.

taiebot65, Sunday 21 September 2014 à 11:03

Subscription date : 26 October 2008
Messages : 1904
Merde j'ai cru que c'etait l'annonce de la 3.4.0
Je devais etre un peu fatigue.

Je suis sur que c'est question de jour maintenant.

Guest, Sunday 28 September 2014 à 21:20

Greetings I am so delighted I found your site, I really found you by mistake, while I was researching on Aol for something else, Anyhow I am here now and would just like to say thanks for a incredible post and a all round exciting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to go through it all at the moment but I have bookmarked it and also included your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the superb job.

PS: I'm a spam

Official announcements | Annonces officielles

Subjects Author Language Messages Last message
[Locked] Cairo-Dock / GLX-Dock 2.4.0 is now released
Page : 1 2
matttbe English 20 brianw [Read]
29 September 2014 à 00:56

Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock List of forums Official announcements | Annonces officielles Cairo-Dock / GLX-Dock 2.4.0 is now released Top

Online users :

Powered by ElementSpeak © 2007 Adrien Pilleboue, 2009-2013 Matthieu Baerts.
Dock based on CSS Dock Menu (Ndesign) with jQuery. Icons by zgegball
Cairo-Dock is a free software under GNU-GPL3 licence. First stable version created by Fabounet.
Many thanks to TuxFamily for the web Hosting and Mav for the domain name.